Our November spotlight quilter is Sandy Pinkerton
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I’m a farm girl from Webster. With the exception of a few years after I was married, I have lived on Salt Road all my life. Even most of my professional work life (40 years) was spent at Xerox on the Webster complex! I have always had a love affair with fabric. I love to create, as you will see from my pictures – I’ve tried everything at least once. One of my best memories is making doll clothes with bits of scraps my mom gave me. I did a great deal of garment sewing when I was young. One of my aunt’s was a master seamstress and tried to give me the bug. I did alterations and costumes for a bit but then found that work to be limiting. I love sewing and quilting. I have made many items out of wedding gowns. My favorite was a small clutch made for a first time bride at 85 years young out of the wedding gown of her fiancés’ late wife’s gown. I currently sew for a gentleman using the vintage European fabrics he provides.
How long have you been quilting?
About 45 years – it took a while to get started as I took my first class with Betty Means when she opened her shop in Webster. I inherited about 50 quilt tops or block sets from both sides of the family. My intent was to finish all those tops! My hope was that I would enjoy quilting so I would finish those vintage pieces for my family. I’m about half way there – however, I do get distracted by all the new patterns and fabrics available!
Who taught you to quilt?
I enjoyed a beginning quilt class with Betty Means at her shop in Webster. I used paper templates, added my ¼” seam and hand pieced the blocks. I still have the sampler – it’s one of my UFO’s. As part of my quest to finish the vintage quilts, Betty often helped with advice.
What do you like best about quilting?
The magic! The color! The community! I have met and made some of the most wonderful friends through quilting. I love the fabrics and the magic of watching those small squares become a treasured piece, a memory of a loved one or just a good piece to snuggle under when needed.
What’s your quilting advice/ mantra?
My favorite mantra is a quote from Erma Bombeck.
“When I stand before my maker I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say – I used everything you gave me!”
Our November spotlight quilter is Kate Rowland
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
I grew up in Webster, married my husband Dale and moved into a home in the Village. We have a beautiful daughter and an adorable dog. I am a bookkeeper and I like my work; however, I like my sewing time too! I also enjoy knitting, cooking, baking, reading and celebrations. We love to travel, and we love the fall in Upstate, NY
How long have you been quilting? & Who taught you to quilt?
My Grandma taught me to knit as a really young girl. My mom taught me to sew shortly thereafter. I would watch her create garments on her sewing machine and was fascinated. She finally caved, gave me some scraps of fabric, a brief lesson on using her sturdy Singer machine and I was off on an adventure. I loved Home Economics in middle school. Our neighbor was always doing crafts and sewing, and she tolerated my incessant questions and pestering. When she retired from Kodak, she started quilting. She was a customer of Betty Means and she did beautiful traditional piecing. She'd load her top onto a frame in her living room and hand quilt her winter away. I was in awe of her and the beautiful heirlooms that she created. With her help I made a lovely applique heart pillow for a friend for her birthday!
When I was out of school, I would visit Betty's shop on Main Street and purchase a little fabric and trace and cut and piece by hand to make blocks. I still have those blocks somewhere and should make them into something! Betty encouraged me to take a class at the shop - it was applique class, with our very own Rita Hruschak. Some of you might remember Betty's shop - it was filled to the brim with beautiful quilting cottons in every shade and print. It was a challenge to navigate the different rooms, especially if you weren't the only shopper, but oh, the choices! Rita was and is an excellent teacher and she started me on a whole new path of excitement in quilting! With the help and encouragement of these people and many more, I've never looked back!
I basically am self-taught - never took a beginning quilting class, learned as I went and learned a lot from my mistakes. I'm grateful for YouTube and for the kindness of quilters for sharing their knowledge. I'm always trying to improve and like to attend classes when I can. In the last couple of years, I have started working with wool, after taking a great class with Michelle. And I have Michelle to thank for getting me through the tool tote class - I LOVE my bag! Review of basic skills is important, details can be easily forgotten, and I feel that is a great opportunity at quilt meetings, the demos and 10 minute tips can be great refreshers and also a head slap moment, why did I never know that before!
What do you like best about quilting?
The things I like best about quilting are that I am always learning. There are so many ways to do things and I'm always seeking the best way. I love the social aspect. I've been a member of the Webster Quilt Guild and have learned so much from the very talented members and presenters and I recently joined the Rochester Modern Guild to learn more about a different style. The people that I meet, both men and women, are passionate about their quilting and are happy to share what they know. Quilters are such an enthusiastic and encouraging group of people. It's wonderful to gather with of people varying ages, interests, educational backgrounds, cultures and communities and each of us share the love of creating beautiful, quilted art. Pieces that will comfort, celebrate, connect, and love those we gift them to. They are a legacy that we stitch and share that will be cherished and enjoyed long after we are gone. I love a quilt retreat or sew day, where you will get to know others better, gain ground on a particular project, ask for help or opinions and laugh until you have tears in your eyes. It is a special time away to simply sew, a real treat. I have made some wonderful friends and have found great help and support in other life skills, parenting, recipe swapping, travel ideas and much more while enjoying the company of others who love putting needle and thread to fabric.
What's your quilting advice /mantra?
As you may have guessed by now, learning, sharing, and measuring twice and hopefully, cutting once are all important lessons! One of the shop owners in town used to tell us, if you can't see it from a galloping horse, it's nothing to worry about, we are awfully hard on ourselves. Read and reread your patterns and don't be afraid, have some fun - you can do it! It might not turn out how you like the first time, but you do learn from every project and it's all about creativity and fun, making something uniquely your own.
Here are some pictures of her beautiful work:
Our October spotlight quilter is Sue Nicholson:
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your quilting journey?
Both of my Grandmothers, shared their love of handcrafts with me in the early 60’s. Jennie taught me to sew on her Singer treadle machine and Beryl introduced me to crewel embroidery & crochet. I was “hooked”! Those were the days of tissue patterns, scissors, tracing wheels & pins. Rotary cutters, cutting mats and tools were a mystery to me.
I was able to officially re-enter the world of sewing, after retiring in 2019, from a 41-year career in nursing. My sister, Joan & I took Maryfran Fettinger’s Beginners Quilting Class in the fall of 2019, when VQS opened. That was the beginning of a wonderful adventure!
We’ve learned so much, from the variety of classes we’ve taken there. Everyone at the shop has been an inspiration to us and given us so much support- Michelle, Maryfran, Monique, Vanetta, Deb, Jane & Laura.
What do you like best about quilting?
I enjoy the challenge of learning new patterns & techniques. To me, handcrafts are a link to the past, and a “thread” that connects us all that enjoy it. Advice…”Follow Your Bliss” (Joseph Campbell - from the book, Power of Myth) “From their hands tell a story, and the works of their hands tell a story - each thread connecting us to those who came before. And the story endures.” (from the magazine Pieceworks - premier issue March/April 1993)
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

Our September spotlight quilter is Dana Sharp:
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
I live in Fairport with my husband, 2 daughters (11 and 13) and dog, Hudson. My family owns and operates RV&E Bike and Skate, the bike shop on Main St. in Fairport. We also run an Airbnb that is above the bike shop. When I'm not quilting, I like to read, hand embroider, and jar pickles! I also really like to run with my dog. People who know me would say that I'm a Walt Disney World "addict"!
How long have you been quilting?
I have been quilting for about 12 years. I wanted to start making clothes for my infant and toddler at the time. I found quilting much easier and more rewarding!
Who taught you to quilt?
I was scared to death at first of my sewing machine! I gathered my courage and signed up for a beginner's quilt class at Ivy Thimble in Victor. I fell in love with quilting (and the smell of lavender Best Press) and haven't looked back since!
What do you like best about quilting?
Hmmm....there's so many things to love about quilting!! I think the thing I love best of all is the quiet and calm that comes over my body and mind once I settle in at my sewing machine. I'm able to get in the "flow" and everything sort of slows right down. I think a close second would be the friends I've made and the people I get to meet! I feel very lucky that I found a great quilt shop (wink, wink!) and great women to quilt along beside.
What's your quilting advice /mantra?
Also, a tricky one! "Measure twice, cut once!", always keep your seam ripper handy and ask lots of questions! Quilters love to share tips, tricks, and opinions on color! And last of all, take as many classes as you can. Keep learning new things about quilting!
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

Our August spotlight quilter is Kathy Uerz:
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
Hi, I live in Ontario with my husband Dave. We have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. I grew up in Vestal NY and moved to Rochester to work at Kodak after college. I left Kodak to raise my family then returned to school to get an education degree and taught for the next 24 years. I am now retired but still working part-time.
How long have you been quilting?
I have been quilting for many years. I started to sew clothing when I was around 9 and have made many garments and other items over the years. I got into quilting around 1992 when a friend shared some of her work with me. I joined a small quilt group and have not looked back.
Who taught you to quilt?
I learned mostly by myself but improved and grew in my skills with the quilt group I was part of. After that dissolved, I learned by experimenting and trying new things. But I have learned the most after taking several classes and the support from quilt classes and all the wonderful talented quilters I have met..
What do you like best about quilting?
The play of colors, being able to create beauty with fabrics that are cut apart and then put back together. I also love the camaraderie of working with others sharing ideas and learning from each other.
What's your quilting advice /mantra?
Mistakes are part of the process and should remind us that we don’t have to be perfect to create beautiful works of art.
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

Our July spotlight quilter is Sandy Bubel:
Tell ll us a little about yourself and your road to quilting:
Although I was born in Auburn, I have lived my whole life in Greece and now in North Greece bordering on Hilton. I married in 1966, had my first son in 1968 and my second son in 1970. I went back to work when my youngest son started first grade in 1976 and have been working in different secretarial positions for the past 46 years. I am still working one day or so a week, but my main focus is babysitting my two grandsons who are three and four. For enjoyment I love quilting with my friends, going on weekend quilting retreats. I enjoy traveling, am in two book clubs, a card club and a cozy quilt ministry where we make quilts for cancer patients which is so very rewarding.
How long have you been quilting? Who taught you to quilt?
I started quilting before I officially retired from my full-time position around 15 years ago. I took a couple classes from Joann’s. What I was taught there was when things didn’t turn out just right, the instructor’s response was, “If you can’t see it on a galloping horse, don’t worry about it.” I have since found that was not good advice as I picked up some habits I am trying desperately to correct. Fast forward…life got in the way of quilting; first I was a caregiver to my mother and after she passed it wasn’t long before my husband needed care, so I put quilting on the back burner.
What do you like best about quilting?
Three years ago, I started seriously quilting again. I was asked what I like about quilting. Besides the beautiful fabric and what can be done with it, it goes much deeper than that. QUILTERS! They are the best! They are the most giving and supportive people I have ever met. They are there with their friendship, support and whatever they have, they share. It is a wonderful community that I am blessed to be a part of.
What’s your quilting advice /mantra?
Monique asked me what advice I had to give to other quilters. That was a difficult question. Admire the talent of others who are better than you and learn from them. Help those who seek you out to help them. Do not be ultra-critical of yourself but learn from your mistakes and continue to grow. Am I critical of myself? ABSLUTELY! You see, I am a work in progress. However, I am determined to grow. How can I not, with people who I have surrounded myself with?
Here are some pictures of her beautiful work:

June - Debbie Lester
Tell us a little about yourself and your road to quilting:
I started sewing early in life with my grandmother showing me how to embroider. From there I taught myself to crochet, knit and use the sewing machine. I made clothes for my Barbie dolls and in Jr. High started to make clothes for myself. I didn’t know much about quilting but made a bed spread and curtains to match using muslin and scraps. Since I didn’t have any knowledge about batting the bedspread fell apart after the first washing. There has been a lot of live and learn for me.
Now my quilting is my therapy. Being a widow has given me quite a bit of free time and quilting keeps my mind and body in sync and me sane. I keep busy with other commitments as in going to the senior center a few times a week, euchre club (over 40 years), a breakfast club which started out as a craft club when my oldest was in kindergarten, quilt clubs, bells at church, going to the movies about once a month and I love to travel.
I do enjoy reading, puzzles, cooking, baking but most of all I enjoy “Tuesday is Grandma Day”. Even though they are all in college now, if they are home, they are over on Tuesdays. I do all the things we couldn’t do with our kids, like eating raw cookie dough and not telling them to get their homework done etc.
What is your advice to other quilters?
One of my philosophies of cooking and quilting is to have the recipe or pattern be a guideline. To make whatever it is to be a part of you.
Here are some pictures of her beautiful work:

May - Judi Gent
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
Hi, I’m Judi Gent, I grew up in Webster and was the youngest of 8 children. I had 4 brothers and 3 sisters, who sadly have all passed away. My husband and I moved to Lyons in 1965. I divorced in 1980’s and remarried in 2005. I have 5 sons, 7 stepchildren, 19 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. It makes a large Christmas gift list. I love having a big close family.
How long have you been quilting? Who taught you to quilt?
I began quilting in 2003, learning by joining a table runner of the month club at Heart and Hand in Ontario. I enjoyed it so much I told my children; I am going to be a quilter when I retire. I have taken many quilting classes at The Village Quilt Shoppe and Jackie Lynn’s and have enjoyed every minute of it.
What do you like best about quilting?
One of the best things I like about quilting are the retreats. You always meet so many nice people who are willing to help and share their knowledge. Until the Covid Pandemic I vended at craft sales. I miss that and hope to start doing them again this year.
What’s your quilting advice /mantra?
My quilting advice is to enjoy the learning process. Your teachers may vary in their training methods since there are different techniques and ways to quilt. No one “way” is best. Try different variations and broaden your horizons.
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

April - Laura Smith
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
My name is Laura Smith and I live in Sodus with my husband, Jamie. I was born in Alaska while my dad was in the Air Force. My early years were spent in downstate NY, then in Virginia, then settling in Marion when I was in Middle School. I lived in and around Marion until 7 years ago when I married Jamie. He and I lived in Naples for a couple years, then we purchased about 70 acres and built a home in Prattsburgh. We really wanted to be closer to Lake Ontario (he loves fishing as much as I love quilting) and have now made our way "home" to Wayne County. Our house is small, but my husband made sure I got my one request - a room all my own for sewing!
How long have you been quilting? / Who taught you to quilt?
I learned to sew back in the 90's. My mom and I took a "Beginners Quilting" class and I loved it! My mom passed away shortly after that and my love for sewing went away too. About 5 years ago, my mother-in-law gifted me a beautiful machine. She really encouraged me to use it and invited me to a retreat. I had such a great time and made some potholders and basic placemats. I really loved the quilts that Judi made and was inspired by all the beautiful items I saw created. But it wasn't until I started visiting The Village Quilt Shoppe about a year ago that it clicked with me. I took one class and was hooked! Now I spend every second of my spare time in my sewing room. I've made bags, table runners, placemats, quilts, and have developed a love for handwork as well! The possibilities are truly endless, and I love every new thing I discover.
What do you like best about quilting?
If I had to pick one thing that I like best about quilting, it would be the friendships. I love picking a pattern, choosing fabrics, watching the project take form, and admiring the final piece. But better than all of that are the friendships. There's a sisterhood in the quilting/sewing community. We've got a common interest right from the start and it's so easy to be together. I've met so many great people and look forward to seeing who I will spend time with as I arrive for each class. You are all fantastic and I love being a part of this amazing group.
What’s your quilting advice /mantra?
My advice about quilting is to just relax. Enjoy the quiet time. Enjoy the creative process. Enjoy the result. Enjoy the smiles on faces of people you give pieces to. Enjoy knowing that you are contributing to a worthwhile organization with your donated pieces. Enjoy the friendships and laughter. I have never seen a piece that wasn't absolutely beautiful, just like its' creator.
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

March - Cheryl Bond
Tell me a little bit about yourself?
When I was 11, my family moved to Fairport from Cleveland, Ohio. I went to college at Monroe Community College and started my working career at Bausch and Lomb, as a chemical technician in the Solens Research Labs. Three years later, I started my 37 year career at Xerox Corporation, supporting engineering and technical activities there as a mechanical/chemical technician. I have been married for 41 years to my husband, Bob. We have three sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandson.
How long have you been quilting?
I have been quilting for 29 years and took my first class when my youngest son was just 2 years old.
Who taught you to quilt?
I took my first class through the Fairport BOCES Adult education program. This first class was located at Martha Brown Middle School, in the same room where I took Home Economics classes during 7th and 8th grade. I can’t remember the instructor’s name, but she was wonderful teacher and taught us so much. Our first project was hand piecing and hand quilting a Trip Around the World quilt block to make a pillow. Then she went on to show us other quilt blocks which were used to make a table runner. Like so many other Rochester area quilters, I followed up this first quilting adventure by taking both of Suzy Payne’s sampler quilt classes at Patricia’s.
What do you like best about quilting?
I love evaluating quilt designs, then deciding on colors and fabrics for that special quilt. A plus to the quilt selection process can include learning a new quilting technique or skill. Best of all are all the friendships that I have made through quilting!
What’s your quilting advice /mantra?
Since I have spent so many years working in a laboratory environment, I like to view each quilt project as an experiment. Sometimes the “results” of these experiments do not always come out as expected, but I always seem to learn something new about quilting and myself.
Here are some pictures of some of her beautiful work:

February - Celia Mire
Celia, Tell me a little bit about yourself?
I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I lived in the city on Bloss Street and went to St. Anthony of Padua elementary school and graduated from Nazareth Academy. When my parents moved to Gates Chili I decided to venture out on my own and moved to Sunrise, Florida. There I met my husband Jerry and had my son, Sean. I remained in Florida until 2 years ago returning to Rochester.
How long have you been quilting?
I became interested in quilting approximately 20 years ago when Jerry and I bought our second home in Loxahatchee, Fl . Our home was near a quilt shop, Suzanne's. I ventured in one day and was hooked!
Who taught you to quilt?
My mom, Sarina, sewed our clothes when I was young, so I did have some sewing experience. This made my transition to quilting fairly easy. I also sewed Sean's clothes when he was a baby with the help from my mom. I miss those days of sewing, laughing and just having fun on our "sew days".
What do you like best about quilting?
Quilting is nonstress and very relaxing for me. I am pleased with the end results and love making lots of projects for my family and relatives.
What's your quilting advice /mantra?
My quilting advice is to take it slow and enjoy what you are making. Your quilting perfection will shine through. There are no quilt police in my home, and I thoroughly enjoy what I am making. I do belong to Quilts for Kids and enjoy making quilts for their organization. Especially when I get a card with a picture in the mail of a child who was the recipient of one my quilts. It puts a smile on my face to know I made a child happy.

January - Jane Beamish
Jane, Tell me a little bit about yourself?
Hello! I’m so excited to be teaching at The Village Quilt Shoppe. I’ve been a Webster resident for 22 years now; my husband and I moved here right after our wedding. We raised/are raising two daughters, now both in college. For 32 years I worked as a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in K-12 schools. I retired in 2020, but then moved into the Preschool Services world- same job, smaller kids. My husband is a retired music educator who continues to work as a musician. I spend lots of weekends at his gigs.
How long have you been quilting?
My first quilting project was (gasp) 47 years ago- a Sunbonnet Sue pillow made with my 4-H club. That was the first and last item I ever hand quilted. My first quilt made as an adult was a little primary color/cat and dog theme quilt made for my first baby, who is now 20. Garment and home sewing eventually gave way to quilting, which has been my main sewing occupation for about 10 years now.
Who taught you to quilt?
I’ve taken lots of classes. I’ve taken in-person classes at fabric stores and quilt shows, plus on-line classes. I’ve also checked tons of books out of the library and watched many many tutorials online. I like in-person classes best.
What do you like best about quilting?
I love the variety of quilting. I love that two people can make the same pattern, but their fabric choices make each one dynamic. I love the variety of techniques. My favorites are the two forms of paper piecing- Foundation Paper Piecing and English Paper Piecing. I enjoy appliqué and am looking forward to starting the wool projects I have. I have a huge list of quilt "wannamakes"!
What's your quilting advice /mantra?
Quilting should be enjoyable. I think I've said “It’ll be fine!” about a thousand times, both when teaching classes and figuring out problems in my own sewing space. In my classes, students know that mistakes are just opportunities for learning. We aren’t dealing with life and death; just fabric and thread. This is a hobby for most of us, so let’s keep it fun.